Self-Organization in physics and biology, morphogenesis, turbulence, walking droplets and non-linear physics.

Paris 4th-7th June 2024

International meeting in memory of

Yves Couder


Scientific Program



With the generous support of
















International meeting in the honor of


Yves Couder (1941-2019)


Paris Sciences et Lettres*/Université de Paris-Cité


The meeting is held on two sites.

The first two days on the campus of Université Paris-Cité Grands Moulins. Amphithéâtre Buffon 15 rue Hélène Brion 75013 Paris

The last two days at the Ecole Normale Supérieure Amphi Jaurès Accès via 24 rue Lhomond 75005 Paris, enter and cross the garden.




Tuesday, 4th June 2024-Amphithéâtre Buffon,

15 rue Hélène Brion 75013

Université de Paris-Cité @Grands Moulins

S stands for Selected abstract


8:30-9:00        Registration and Coffee


Session I        Yves Couder Legacy

9:00-9:15         Welcome Laurent Limat, Martine Ben Amar

                          Maximilien Cazayous Doyen (Dean)

                          Faculté des Sciences Université de Paris-Cité



9:15-9:45         Françoise Argoul: Capturing the music of living systems: from human voice to electroencephalogram rhythms with time-frequency analysis

9:45-10:15      Stéphane Douady: Yves Couder: A complex man, for complex systems.

10:15-10:45    Benoît Roman: Inflatable architectured elastomers


10:45-11:00    Break   


11:00-11:30    Yves Pomeau: Flood of rivers as a subcritical bifurcation. 

11:30-12:00    Bruno Andreotti: A gravity driven inverse cascade controls the size distribution of raindrops

12:00-12:30    Mingming Wu: Biological matrices regulate cell and tissue mechanics



12:30-14:00    Lunch is taken in caterers or restaurants in the neighborhood. Lunch is not provided by the meeting.


Session II       Biological Morphogenesis

14:00-14:30    Yasmine Meroz: Plant Tropisms as a Window on Emergent Memory and Computation in Distributed Systems

14:30-15:00    Alain Goriely: Sachs’ education and the strange dynamics of potted plants

15:00-15:30    Etienne Couturier: Lokhart’s law a quantitative predictive tool ?



15:30-15:45   Break



15:45-16:15    Tomas Bohr: How leaves manage extreme pressure differences: Modelling the complex cellular network for water and sugar flow through a pine needle

16:15-16:45    Ray Goldstein: Stochastic Geometry of Simple Multicellular Organisms

16:45-17:15    S39 Philippe Marmottant: Solving the mystery of embolism repair in plants after a period of drought

17:15-17:35    S49 Germain Rousseaux: The self-organization of grassy mounds on water or mottureaux

17:40-18:00    Michel Juffé: Friendly philosophical reflexions with Yves on history and memory


18:00               In memoriam Julien Moukhtar, Laurent Limat


18h30              Reception buffet at Amphithéâtre Buffon



Wednesday, 5th June, 2024-Amphithéâtre Buffon, 15 rue Hélène Brion

Université de Paris @Grands Moulins


Session III      Hydrodynamics and instabilities

9:00-9:30        Anke Lindner: Transport dynamics of spherical microparticles and fibers in inertioelastic vortex flows

9:30-10:00      Hamid Kellay: Experiments on turbulent friction in 2D

10:00-10:30    S47 Julien Dervaux: Nonlinear phototaxis and instabilities in suspensions of light-seeking algae 



10:30-10:45    Break


10:45-11:15    Anne Juel: Oscillatory dynamics in viscous fingering

                 11:15-11:45    Daniel Bonn: Living polymers: Entangled active T. Tubifex worms

11:45-12:15   Suzie Protière: The swelling and spreading of drops on fibers


12:15-14:00    Lunch-Installation of the Posters


Session IV        Hydrodynamics, turbulence, transport

14:00-14:30    Laurette Tuckerman: Exotic patterns in Faraday waves

14:30-15:00    Bérangère Dubrulle: Vortex interactions in a von Karman flow

15:00-15:30   Stephan Fauve: Stationarity constraint on the energy flux and intermittency



15:30-16:00     Break


16:00-16:20    S33 Eric Lajeunesse: Self-organization of morphology and sediment transport in alluvial rivers

16:20-16:40   S12 Martin Chaigne: Emergence of singularities in dissolution patterns

16:40-17:00   S21 Laurent Duchemin: Dimple drainage before the coalescence of a droplet deposited on a smooth substrate

17:00-17:20    S31 Hugues Chaté: Robust edge flows in swarming bacteria colonies


17:30-19:30    Poster session



Thursday 6th June 2024

29 rue d’Ulm Paris ACCESS via 24 RUE LHOMOND 75005

Ecole Normale Supérieure–PSL* Amphithéâtre Jaurès




Session V        New avenues in non-linear physics  

9:00-9:30        Ludovic Pauchard: Morphogenetic processes: singularities induced by mechanical instabilities

9:30-10:00      Masaki Sano: Cell Sheet Dynamics and Mechanics for Structure Formation

10:00-10:30    Arezki Boudaoud: Noise and robustness in plant morphogenesis


10:30-10:45     Break


Session V  I     New avenues in non-linear physics  

10:45-11:15    Itamar Procaccia: Anomalous Elasticity and Emergent Dipole Screening in Amorphous Solids

11:15-11:45    Herbert Levine: Fluctuation-dominated Fronts; New Wine in Old Bottles

11:45-12:15    Dan Harris: Capillary-wave propulsion: from walking to surfing




12:15-14:00    Lunch


Session VII      Walking droplets

14:00-14:30     Emmanuel Fort: Water waves in time varying media: from wave-particle duality to time reversal and to antigravity

14:30-15:00    John W. M. Bush: Pilot wave hydrodynamics

15:00-15:20    S45 Giuseppe Pucci: Self-propulsion of drops floating on an immiscible liquid bath


15:30-16:00   Break


16:00-16:20   S36 Patrice Le Gal: On the wanderings of a ludion in a corral: in search of a quantum analogy

16:20-16:40   S50  Pedro Saenz: From walking droplets to galloping bubbles

16:40-17:00   S8    Ambre Bouillant: Self-excitation of Leidenfrost stars

17:00-17:20    S27  Philippe Gondret: A kaleidoscope of impulse water waves generated by a vertical wall motion

17:20-17:40    S16 Stéphanie Deboeuf: Compaction and buckling of an elastic sheet under confinement by rigid walls

                 17:40-18:00    S1    Mokhtar Adda-Bedia: Nonlinear Elastic Fracture Mechanics



                 18:30                Aperitif in the garden of the Ecole Normale Supérieure located nearby the Amphi Jaurès





Friday 7th June 2024

Ecole Normale Supérieure–PSL* Amphithéâtre Jaurès

29 rue d’Ulm Paris 75005 ACCESS via the 24 rue LHOMOND




Session VIII   New avenues in non-linear physics

9:00-9:30        Vincent Hakim: Active mechanics, force transmission and supracellular actomyosin cable formation

9:30-10:00      Jay Fineberg: The Physics of the Onset of Frictional Motion: How does friction start?

10:00-10:30   Elsa Bayart: Interaction between slowly slipping and locked frictional interfaces


10:30-10:45    Break


10:45-11:15    Boris Shraiman: In search of Emergent Simplicity

11:15-11:45   Linda Cummings: Simulating nanoparticle formation by pulsed laser induced dewetting

11:45-12:15    Nicolas Vandewalle: Cracking the capillary code


12:15-14:00    Lunch


                 Session IX      New avenues in non-linear physics

                 14:00-14:30   Emmanuel Villermaux: 20 000 Aerosols under the Seas (learning from analogies)


                                                Baptiste Auvity, Sébastien Kuchly, Antonin Eddi and Stéphane Perrard: Sea ice

15:00-15:30        experiments: from lab to field


15:30-15:45    Break     


15:45-16:15    S43 Anand Oza: Coarse-grained models for schooling wings in fast flows

16:15-16:35   S29 Frédéric Moisy: Wind waves and viscous solitons

                 16:35-16:55    S25 François Gallaire: A gap-averaged model for Faraday waves in Hele-Shaw cells



Closing conference

17:00-17:30    Mathias Fink: Gouttes, antennes et retournement temporel 






Amphithéâtre Buffon is located 15 rue Hélène Brion Paris 75013. Métro line 14 ; bus line 89 ;  RER C Bibliothèque François Mitterrand.


Amphithéâtre Jaurès is located 29 rue d’Ulm, ACCESS via the 24 rue LHOMOND Paris 75005

Métro line 10 Cardinal Lemoine or Place Monge or Censier Daubenton ; bus line 89 Rue Soufflot ; RER C Luxembourg.


Organizers’ Phone # 0682287368